About Us

As-salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatuhu
Jazak Allahu Khayran for joining the Muslimah Ihsaan family!!!
When I first starting practicing Islam I remember how difficult it was figuring out how to be in this Dunya… I had to completely change my life - from what I ate, to how to dress, how to make halal income... speak, act, everything. Still a work in progress.  A mindset and lifestyle shift was required. The challenge was in figuring out who am I now and how do I get access to resources to become this new, next level version of me. Although I tried and am naturally social, I couldn’t find Muslims sisters I could relate with to build real connections in real life.
The intent behind Muslimah Ihsaan is to be your sister, your girl, your friend, your mentor, your coach, your support, your access to everything I wish I had to become my best version as a Muslim female and to build a community of likeminded sisters striving for ihsaan.
If ever there was a time to become the best version of yourself it is now.  The Ummah needs you, needs us. 
May Allaah Subhanahu wa-ta’ala use me for His cause and may you benefit from it. May you be granted ease and good in this life and the next. Aameen.
I love for you what I love for myself.
— Muslimah Ihsaan Founder